This page is dedicated to informing you of acting classes that I offer, and other classes by people that I know and trust in the local community.
I will only endorse trainings that I feel are of value to you, the acting student, and are offered by professionals in our industry that have your best interests at heart for both your career and personage.
If you want something posted on this page, message me at with your request, be sure to include a contact phone number.
*Note: All postings messaged to me will be checked through prior to being added to this page. Be sure to have it copy ready (i.e. written exactly as you would like it to appear). Any materials not in a copy ready state will not be included.
Tuesdays, 7 - 10 PM
Location: East Vancouver
September 18 - December 4 2012
(12 consecutive weeks)
$600 HST included for the 12 week cycle
(installment payments available)
I teach Linda Darlow's 12 Choices Audition Class. Based on the book "AUDITION" by Michael Shurtleff, Linda has adapted the teachings in this stellar guide to auditioning for film/tv.
In the 12 weekly sessions we will go over the 12 guideposts described in the book as it applies to film/tv, plus a technique to learn material quickly, and type casting.
I supply all the scene materials, as well as offer lots of useful information for how to function successfully in the business.
To register for the class, or for more information, send me an e-mail to Be sure to include a contact phone number.
Tuesdays, 7 - 10 PM or Fridays 10 am - 1 pm
Location: East Vancouver
Tuesdays May 22 - August 7 (12 consecutive weeks)
Fridays May 25 - August 10 (12 consecutive weeks)
$675 HST included for each of the 12 week cycles
(installment payments available)

Linda has taught audition for film/tv for the better part of 30 years. Most of the working actors in the Vancouver acting community has at one time studied with her. Her honesty and tough love approach to the craft and the actor's process makes her one of the most sought after teachers in our city.
This class is for students that have completed 12 Choices, or have worked with Linda previously.
Linda will cover: script analysis, making choices and executing them, logistics of auditioning on camera, and type casting.  You will also cover how to prepare for a film role, how to learn lines without learning a performance and some emotional workout exercises to keep your instrument sharp. All work is on camera, all material is provided.
To register for the class, or for more information, send me an e-mail to Be sure to include a contact phone number.

Thursdays, 7 - 10 PM
Location: East Vancouver
On Going
, $140 HST included per month, you can start any time
I run an On Camera Audition Work Out Group every Thursday. It's affordable at $140 HST included per month.
You bring in 2 pages of a film/tv scene or an audition piece you are working with. I run the group exactly like an audition class, and can upload clips for you, included in the cost.
To register for the group or for more information, send me an e-mail to Be sure to include a contact phone number.